Current Standings
Blood Bowl
Donation Day
Dance Marathon
Registration Day
Groucho's Deli
Proceeds Night
Social Media
Engagement Day
Push Day
Today's Challenge
Fundraising Push Day
We have 24 hours to fundraise more money for our local children's hospital than UofSC Dance Marathon. Who will win, Clemson or UofSC? Make sure you are registered in DonorDrive and racking in those donation today! Fundraising points will be doubled for Rivalry Week and Miracle Cup today!
Checkout our Fundraising Ask Template below!
Register for Dance Marathon!
Register for Dance Marathon and you'll receive this Rivalry Week button for free!
Pickup at our tabling outside Daniel Hall from 10 am - 4 pm!
Miracle Cup Standings
Last updated: Friday, Nov. 17th at 11 am
Fraternities and Sororities
Alpha Delta Pi
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Delta
Pi Beta Phi
Delta Zeta
Phi Kappa Tau
Tri Delta
Not too late to donate blood!
You could receive an exclusive Clemson donor sweatshirt and $40 in rewards!
Fundraising Resources
We have a fundraising graphic to help you raise money throughout the day. Click on the button below to download the graphic.
For more information and questions about Rivalry Week, please do not hesitate to contact our Fundraising Chair, Christina Autilio, at, or Finance Director, Jillian Young, at