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WHAT DOES CLEMSON® MIRACLE RAISE MONEY FOR?Clemson® Miracle raises money for Prisma Health Children's Hospital of the Upstate, our local Children's Miracle Network hospital. We are excited to announce the specific project our funds will support this Fall semester. Usually, the money that we donate helps pay for things like new state-of-the-art equipment and care at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the Canine F.E.T.C.H unit. Prisma Health Children's Hospital of the Upstate is committed to giving every child equal access to treatment regardless of their financial situation, so they rely heavily on donations. With your help, we are able to assist Prisma Health to work with patients with diverse conditions, from traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries to neurological diseases, cancer, and other impairments.
WHAT MAKES SOMEONE A MIRACLE CHILD?A Miracle Child is someone who was treated at Prisma Health Children's Hospital of the Upstate! Some of our amazing Miracle children are still undergoing treatment at Children's, and others have already been helped by Prisma Health to get back on their feet. And don't forget, once a Miracle Child, always a Miracle Child! If your child has been treated at Prisma Health and you are interested in being a Miracle Family, please email us!
HOW MANY MIRACLE FAMILIES DO WE HAVE?Currently, over 30 families are a part of our Clemson® Miracle family!
WHAT KINDS OF EVENTS DO YOU HOST?We have a ton of events happening all throughout the year like Child Health Day, our Annual Kickball Tournament, All In Day, and more! Check out our Upcoming Events page to see what's coming up! All of our fundraising events lead up to our exciting event in March, TigerTHON!
WHAT IS DANCE MARATHON?Dance Marathon is our most important event! Held in March, DM is the culmination of all our fundraising efforts throughout the school year. Our entire organization comes together with our Miracle Families in the Fike Recreation Center for 11 straight hours of celebrating everything that we've done for the kids. We have food, activities, sponsor booths, and lots of performances by bands, student organizations, and Miracle Families! Interested in signing up for Dance Marathon? Click Here!
DO I HAVE TO BE IN CLEMSON® MIRACLE TO ATTEND EVENTS?Nope! Everyone is welcome to attend our events. However, we encourage everyone to join our Clemson® Miracle family!
CAN I STILL JOIN CLEMSON® MIRACLE IF I'M NOT PART OF GREEK LIFE?Of course! Clemson® Miracle is open to all current students at Clemson University. Our relationship with the Greek Life is strong because we have been around for over 10 years. This doesn't mean that you can't join if you're not Greek! Grab some friends from your hall, some old high school buddies, or members of your youth group and create a team if you like! All are welcome.
IS IT TOO LATE TO REGISTER FOR TIGERTHON?It's never too late! Our registration website is open until the day of Dance Marathon. Register early to take part in the special benefits of being a member of Clemson® Miracle!
WHO RUNS CLEMSON® MIRACLE?Clemson® Miracle is the largest entirely student-run organization on campus. Our Executive Board, Leadership Team, and our Committees are in charge of the daily workings of our organization.
HOW CAN I REACH MY FUNDRAISING GOAL?We ask all registered team members to try to raise $100. This may seem like a daunting task, but with our help and some creativity you'll quickly meet and exceed your goal. Try some of the ideas below or ask someone who has been in Clemson Miracle before for some ideas! A great way to raise money is to link your DonorDrive Fundraising page to Facebook! Another easy way to raise money is to hold a treats stand and sell items like lemonade or cookies. Some members donate a portion of their paychecks as well to their DonorDrive pages!
MY GROUP WANTS TO WORK WITH CLEMSON® MIRACLE. WHO SHOULD I CONTACT?To co-sponsor an event or fundraiser with Clemson® Miracle, contact us at Whether you're an on-campus organization, advocacy group, or social club, we can work with you to tailor your event to be exciting for both your members and ours. Interested in being a corporate partner? Click Here!
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